Mama earth is one brand actively innovating and introducing new products for the needs of mama and child. Their products are mostly chemical free and they use 100% safe ingredients. The brand came into action when a couple after giving birth realised that there are so many products with toxins available for kids, and when they couldn’t find a 100% safe brand, they came up with MAMAEARTH. A brand which develops products from world-class research and attempts to solve every little problem that we as parents face. With the aim of making products which are mum-baby friendly, toxin-free, meet stringent international standards & are basically ultra awesome, MamaEarth was born.

Taking care of your teeth and gums is a fundamental part of overall health. Oral hygiene is not just a one time affair but a habbit. It starts even before the teeth begin to emerge.
I used to clean my baby’s gums with a gauge wrapped around my index finger . When the teeth started to emerge, I just rubbed an empty toothbrush on his teeth fearing that toothpaste would harm him or since he doesnt know to spit, swallowing toothpaste can lead to stomach issues what not. But with some research I learnt that cleaning them with a sulphate free toothpaste is very essential. Before 2 years, We just have to take a very small quantity of it . After 2 years of age, pea sized quantity of toothpaste should be used to clean baby’s teeth. Then they learn to spit the toothpaste.
Very recently, I started using toothpaste for cleaning my baby’s teeth. My first choice was MAMAEARTH’S BERRY BLAST TOOTHPASTE FOR KIDS. Suitable for kids aged 0 to 10 years, it is flouride free, sulphate free and 100% natural. It contains all nautral ingredients like aloe, stevia, glycerin, etc,.
When I used this gold gel paste for my kid for the very first, he didn’t use it as a toothpaste. He thought it was some edible paste candy so swallowed it right away. Thankfully it is safe if swallowed. But now he is learning to take the taste of it before eating..

Price : Rs.149 for 1 pack.

Before winding up..here are a few quite tips to keep thier first set of pearly whites safe and healthy:
1) Dont put a baby to sleep with bottle
2) Avoid sweet sugary liquids at night before sleeping.
3) From 6 months of age children can start drinking from a cup so get rid of bottle.
4) Healthy meals and snacks are important for healthy teeth
5) Start cleaning baby’s teeth when they appear (6 months +)
6) Children should have an oral health check up by 2 years of age
7) A healthy dental routine in the family teaches the kids to follow the same.
So for now..bye bye.. See you later with some more exciting products and some useful tips ..