Hey guys.. As you all may have noticed (from my stories) that last week my baby got his first hair cut (or hair shaving whatever) .

yess.. It was his mundan ceremony.

A week ago to this, I had started getting dibs as I was very very afraid thinking how my little one who doesnt even let me hold his head a little longer will let someone hold him tight and shave his head. .

The thought was itself too painful for me as I had seen kids with bruises due to too much head movement during the process. .

One more reason that made me more nervous and upset was the that I am unaware whether he will get the same soft like silk hair again. .

It was the day of ceremony, guests started pouring in. The baby dint take his late morning nap which made me sure that it was time for me to prepare for an extra cranky howling baby. Just as the ceremony was about to begin, it was time for baby’s feed and guess what.. the baby slept tight.The baby woke once in between but again slept after being soothed. It was like a dream for me.

I cant explain how I felt afterthis as I had tears .. both of sorrow and joy. In the end all I did was thanked god as I believe it was sort of miracle. 😎😋


How did you guys feel on the mundan day of your kids??? Please telme I am not the only one who felt like this..😊🙃

Check out a few pics from the day.