A wise woman knows that only a healthy mother is in a position to raise blooming kids. Not very late I understood the importance of taking care of my own health first if I ever wanted to nurture my kids in good health.
I’ve created this space to share my vital journey of transformation in healthiness hoping that it will be useful and inspiring for y’all!
Why is a fitness driven lifestyle essential for parents
When Aditya (my husband) and I decided to become parents we were very sure of the picture we wanted to portrait for us in front of our kids. We have always wished to become active, energetic, happy-going, and understanding parents for Vyom and Avrom. And believe me,...
Mental Health For Women: IS IT OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY?
Health is wealth! And you know its value only when it is gone and once it is gone it takes a lot to get it back in a given time and space. So taking care of our health is quite crucial. I see many people giving too much concern and attention to taking care of their...
How Yoga Has Made Me A Steadfast Mom?
I remember with the birth of Vyom becoming rounder and wider was an obvious consequence, there was a rapid increase in my body weight, and doing something to reduce it, wasn’t on my mind at least for that while. It was mom-in-law standing with an array of homemade...